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Home News 2010 WUC Floorball: And the Finalists Are …

2010 WUC Floorball: And the Finalists Are …

16 May 2010

Women’s group: Sweden vs. Czech Republic

Poland was close to leave the game against Switzerland with a draw result, but the Swiss scored with two minutes left to play and will meet Finland in the fight for the bronze. In Saturday’s other game in the women’s group, Sweden won against Czech Republic by 6-1. The Czechs will get their chance to revenge very soon, when the teams will meet again in final.

Scoring leader in the Women’s group before the Final is: Sara Helin with 9 points (7 goals + 2 assist).


Men’s group: Sweden vs. Finland

Czech Republic vs Finland turned out a real nerve-wrecker when both teams played for reaching the final. Finland started out strong and was up by one goal, but the Czechs replied and the first period ended 1-1. That result lasted until the middle of the third period, when Finland scored twice within four minutes and made sure the final will be a battle about the Gulf of Bothnia.

The third day of competition was also the first day of summer in Umeå. 23 degrees Celsius, blue skies, ice cream eaters and students bringing out barbeques and sun-loungers everywhere in the city.

Scoring leader in the Men’s group before the Final is: Jens Frejd with 22 points (15 goals + 7 assist)


5th Place in the Men’s Tournament is… AUSTRIA after a really dramatic game at Gammliahallen. The result after full time and sudden death was 5-5. Penalty shots were necessary to decide the winner.



Not much needs to be said – we look forward to a day of finals! Will the Swedes keep the gold medals in the host country? Will Norway be an easy bait for Czech Republic? Will Finland vs. Switzerland turn out as even as when they met on Saturday?

Join us at the games! Either live in the arenas or live on the web at

(Source: Amanda Lundmark, OC 2010 WUC Floorball)