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Vigo – On May 4th, FISU Director for Educational and Development Services Kolë Gjeloshaj met with the members of the Organizing Committee of the 10th FISU Forum that the city of Vigo will host from June 21st to 26th, 2010. Attending the meeting for the Vigo OC were Jose Ángel Otero Lamas, General Coordinator at the office of the Deputy Mayor; Mrs. María del Carmen Cabeza, Vice-rector for Students and Culture Extension University of Vigo; Javier Rial Boubeta, Coordinator of Sport Service at the University of Vigo; Laura Magdalena, General Manager Foundation of Vigo for Sports and Michel Nombela Castano, Director of Students and Sports Affairs at the University of Vigo.

The work meeting provided the opportunity to elaborate on the detailed program of the Opening Ceremony, to prepare the Fair – the activity in which all delegations are presenting their Federation – and to have an update of the registrations. So far, the 10th edition of the Forum is already a success in terms of participating countries, as 53 delegations confirmed their participation.

The OC presented to the FISU delegate the progress report they will present at the next FISU Executive Committee meeting on May 13th in Shenzhen, China.

The discussions focused also on the sport and cultural program for which FISU and the OC are developing joint projects with international sport institutions.