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Home News Norwegian University Games in Trondheim

Norwegian University Games in Trondheim

26 March 2010


From February 24th to 27th, the sports club at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNUI) in Trondheim successfully hosted the Norwegian University Games “Studentlekene” (SL2010). More than 1,800 students participated in 18 different sports. The sport event was a great success and was accomplished without any significant problems. Not only the traditional sports as Futsal, Volleyball, Cross-Country and Handball was represented. Students also competed in Simulator Golf and “Koiefemkamp” (pentathlon in typical wildlife exercises). Last time this event was held around 1,000 students competed in 6 sports. The increase in participation and sports shows how this event has grown in the last years, as well as the potential of this event.

NSI’s Secretary-General Marius Johannessen together with Cathrine Aa Dalen from NTNUI (and Vice-President of SL2010 OC), being rewarded as the best University Sports Club in SL2010

The OC hasdone a great job organizing all the volunteers, booking sports arenas, accommodation, catering and registration. There was an opening ceremony with a torchlight procession and a dance show on Thursday (25.02) and a closing ceremony on Saturday (27.02.) evening in one of the University buildings, where all the students where gathered.

Officials from Finland, Estonia and Germany attended the event as guests.

(Source: NOR NUSF)