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Home News 2011 SU Update: CTI Inspection Visit

2011 SU Update: CTI Inspection Visit

26 March 2010



On March 25th, Mr. Douvis, Mr. Vandenplas, Mr. Susovic, Mr. Libert and Mr. Buchal attended the working meeting with the Organizing Committee Executive director Mr. KE Gangming and IT Department director LU Xingen and his staff. The OC presented to the FISU delegates their report of the work progress from January to March with detailed information regarding the development of the IT department team and the IT&C project overa

Mr. KE Gangming & Mr. LU Xingen

ll progress report. The OC also presented the general results system including the timing and scoring progress report and timing and scoring equipment.

Mr. Douvis and Mr. Buchel visited all competition and some training venues in Longgang District, close to the athletes’ village (Badminton, 3 for football, 2 for basketball, tennis, swimming, weightlifting etc.) which are under construction and the FISU delegates were surprised by the rapidity of the construction work in China.

On March 26th, Mr. Vandenplas and Mr. Susovic attended the meeting with different departments, i.e. marketing, media, logistics (including transport, catering, medical, anti-doping). Main topics of the meeting were: 20 signed sponsors, Media planning until the Games, 1,000 cars and 1,000 buses including vans for the Games, transport plan to be finalized by March 2011. All these topics will be presented by the OC to the Supervision Commission and to the EC next May during the EC Meeting.

Mr. Douvis and Mr. Buchel had a meeting with the Venues Department. They went through the all venues proposed by the OC and finalized the list of venues. This list must be submitted to FISU CT Chair of each appropriate sport for final approval. The Venues Department prepared with the graphic designer studio the graphic designs of all the competition venues with identical visual identity. Already existing venues still need to be renovated. Some of them are not suitable to host the multi-sports event but the OC promised to renovate and build the missing functional areas and supporting facilities.

In the afternoon the FISU delegates made their final venue inspections, visiting the venues in the Nanshan and Bao’An Districts.