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Home News 2011 SU Update: CTI Inspection Visits

2011 SU Update: CTI Inspection Visits

24 March 2010

The MPC-IBC center


In the morning of Tuesday March 22nd, 2010, a meeting was organized with the LOC in order to evaluate all aspects of the preparation of the upcoming FISU Executive Committee Meeting to be held in May in Shenzhen. This work session gathered the FISU delegates as well as representatives from all LOC departments concerned.

Mr. HuangUnder the leadership of Mr Guoqiang Huang, Deputy Secretary-General of Shenzhen Municipal Government and First Deputy Director-General of the Executive Office of the Shenzhen OC, a large number of issues were covered and discussed, such as the visa issue, the welcome at Hong Kong International Airport, the transportation and accommodation services, the official program and cultural activities, the accreditation and security, the general logistics of the meeting, the press conference as well as the special program of the visit of the CSU Supervision Committee.

At the end of the meeting, M. Huang expressed his great gratitude to the FISU Staff members in attendance for their valuable remarks and advice.

In the afternoon, Marc Vandenplas, FISU Director for Summer Universiade; Dejan Susovic, FISU Media and Communications Director; Pascal Libert, FISU IT Manager and Hedwige Hankart, Assistant to the Secretary-General/CEO visited various facilities: the Universiade Village which is under construction and expected to be completed by the end of 2010 with a capacity of about 5,000 units for 3 persons, the Longgang Sports Complex where tennis, cycling and some basketball preliminary games will take place, the MPC-IBC-MOC building, the stadiums for Swimming and Basketball, the Main Stadium to be completed by the end of this year, and the International Data Center.

During this visit, Mr Vandenplas was very much impressed by the construction work progresses being made since his last visit in January 2010 especially for what concerns the MBC /IBC/MOC building which can be considered in its ultimate phase of construction, and that will be offering outstanding facilities to the media during the Universiade.

In the meantime, Stavros Douvis, FISU CTI Chair and Michal Buchel, FISU Sports Manager had meetings with the sports and venues departments from the OC reviewing the detailed program and the technical handbooks and regulations, the program of sports events, the number of medals to be distributed by sports and events.




The Main Stadium


The Athletes’ Village