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Home News CBDU expects Universiade to close ‘Golden Cycle’

CBDU expects Universiade to close ‘Golden Cycle’

23 March 2010

CBDU President & FISU Vice-President Luciano Cabral with Minister Orlando Silva


The Brazilian University Sports Confederation (CBDU) expects to close a `golden decade’ of sports in Brazil with an edition of the Summer Universiade. This was one of the main discussion points at the meeting between Mr. Orlando Silva, national Minister of Sport, and Luciano Cabral, President of CBDU and FISU Vice-President, last Thursday, March, 18th, in Brasilia (DF).

‘Minister Orlando Silva showed excitement and considers the return of a Universiade to Brazil an excellent opportunity to close this `golden cycle’ for our country hosting the major sports events of the world. Indeed, no other country managed to do this so far and I believe that none will repeat this feat within this decade: Military Games in 2011, Confederation Cup in 2012, FIFA World Cup Soccer in 2014 and Summer Olympics and Paralympics in 2016’, said Luciano Cabral. ‘To end it with the Universiade would be fantastic.’

With the support of the Ministry of the Sport, CBDU expects to present to FISU, next year Brazil´s candidature for the Universiade of 2017 or 2019. ‘We need to define better dates and city-headquarters for the project, but, after the meeting with the minister, we probably will present the candidacy of Rio de Janeiro for 2019”, completed Cabral.

In the past, Brazil hosted the Summer Universiade once. In 1963, Porte Alegre (RS) welcomed 1,500 athletes from 33 countries.

Mr. Cabral also presented the Minister of Sport CBDU´s 2010 calendar and the new projects of university sport in Brazil.

Source: Pollyanna Pádua