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Home News BWF Delegates Visit FISU HQ for Work Meeting

BWF Delegates Visit FISU HQ for Work Meeting

19 March 2010



Today, March 19th, delegates of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) visited the FISU Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium for a work session.

David Cabello, Chair BWF Development Committee and Valérie Enault, Freelance BWF collaborator met with Marc Vandeplas, Director SU, Kolë Gjeloshaj, Director Education and Laurent Briel, Director WUC.

The delegates discussed the presence of badminton as an optional sport at the Summer Universiades of Shenzhen (2011) and Kazan (2013) and possibly also Gwangju (2015). The dates were studied in order not to have calendar conflicts for BWF events.

Mr. Cabello also stressed the fact that the BWF wants to further develop university badminton and will use the upcoming WUC in Chinese Taipei to meet with the continental delegates for Badminton.

The program of the 2010 en 2012 WUC Badminton in Taipei City and Gwangju respectively was discussed as well.