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Home News 2010 WUC Chess Update

2010 WUC Chess Update

26 February 2010

The OC of the WUC Chess, including FISU CTI Chair Eugen Fleischer (sitting left) and FISU EC Member Leonz Eder (standing, 3rd from left)


The Organising Committee of the 11th WUC Chess to be held in Zürich, Switzerland, met for another preparatory meeting in the economical capital of Switzerland. The members of the OC were welcomed by SUSF President Andreas L. Csonka and Kaspar Egger, Director of the Academic Sport Association Zürich (ASVZ). Both the Swiss University Sports Federation and the ASVZ strongly support the OC under the leadership of President Bernhard Burkhardt and Vice President Walter König.

The FISU CTI Chair Eugen Fleischer was also present at this meeting, which treated – among other topics – the final organisational chart, public relations and the website, technical aspects of the tournament and protocol matters such as Opening and Closing Ceremonies, side events and cultural programs. At the moment the OC is still waiting for the General Entry forms from many countries. So far Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Iran, Slovakia and Switzerland have announced their participation. The WUC Chess will take place from September 5th to 12th, 2010. – Leonz Eder, Chair IPC



City view



SUSF President Andreas Csonka (left) with OC President Bernhard Burkhardt