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Home News 2011 SU Update: Working Visit in Shenzhen

2011 SU Update: Working Visit in Shenzhen

12 January 2010



During their visit to Shenzhen, FISU Summer Universiade Director Marc Vandenplas and Sports Manager Michal Buchel were among the honor guests of the Launch Ceremony for Comprehensive Recruitment of Shenzhen Universiade Volunteers that was broadcasted live on Chinese TV. The Executive Office of the Shenzhen Universiade was represented by its Director-General and Vice-President of the Executive Board Daoxing Liang and his deputies, Guanghua Zhao and Gangming Ke. Many representatives from the municipalities of Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Beijing as well as from the province of Canton also attended this very exciting event.

Dr. Larry Rink, the Chair of the FISU Medical Committee, visited travelled to Shenzhen as well. Besides meeting the OC and the Summer Universiade Director concerning anti-doping procedures, Dr. Rink also visited the Athletes’ Village, the location of the AV polyclinic as well as all the hospitals that will be used for the 2011 Universiade. Dr. Rink has been impressed by the skills of the medical authorities he met but also by the outstanding qualities of the medical infrastructures and services that will be proposed to the participants.

CTI Chair Mr. Douvis, CT Chairs for Chess Eugen Fleischer and Cycling Guido Kramer and the FIG Aerobics technical committee chair together with SU Director Mr. Vandenplas and Sport Manager Mr. Buchel met with the OC Sports Department Director Mr. Mae and his staff. The FISU delegates had the opportunity to speak about the program of the optional sports and number of events. The CT Chairs also made an inspection of the venues and were satisfied with the proposed locations and venues.





Mr. Douvis & Mr. Vandenplas