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Home News 2010 WUC Chess: Update

2010 WUC Chess: Update

3 December 2009


The Organizing Committee of the 11th World University Chess Championship met for a working session in Zürich. For the first time Mr Eugen Fleischer, the new FISU CTI Chair for Chess, was also present. He was introduced by FISU EC Member Leonz Eder. The OC under the leadership of Bernhard Burkhardt and Vice-Chair Walter König fixed the detailed program of the Championship, confirmed some protocol activities such as Opening and Closing Ceremony, VIP Apéro and Technical Meetings and discussed all kind of logistical issues.

The preparations are well on track so far, and the Swiss OC is now waiting for the entries to come. Up to now, the NUSF of Mongolia, China and Switzerland have confirmed their participation. The OC is ready to welcome a new record of participants in Zürich.



September 3rd


September 4th


20h30: Technical Meeting

September 5th

10h00: Opening Ceremony

14h00: 1st round

September 6th

09h30:2nd round

15h30: 3rd round

September 7th

12h00: Reception for Heads of Delegation

14h00: 4th round

September 8th

09h.30: 5th round

15h30: 6th round

September 9th


September 10th

09h30: 7th round

15h.30: 8th round

17h00: VIP Apéro

September 11th

09h30: 9th round

17h00: Closing Ceremony

September 12th




OC Chair Bernhard Burkhardt & Vice-Chair Walter König


Leonz Eder & Eugen Fleischer


Zürich, the economical capital of Switzerland


Federal Institute of Technology