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Home News Brazilian Athletes Dispute Finals of University Sports League in São Paulo

Brazilian Athletes Dispute Finals of University Sports League in São Paulo

25 November 2009

More than 900 athletes start, next Sunday, November 28th, the finals of the Brazilian University Sports League. The tournament, organized by CBDU (Brazilian University Sports Confederation), will take place in the city of São Paulo between November 28th and December 04th.

Teams from 13 states from the north to south of Brazil representing 27 universities will dispute the tournaments of men’s and women’s futsal, basketball, volleyball and handball. Five gymnasiums will be used during the competitions.

The Brazilian League congregates the main teams in the 2009 season to appoint the annual winner.

During the games, CBDU also realizes the entity forum to discuss the possibilities and contributions of national university sports to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro at 2016.

Members of the Brazilian Sports Ministry, Brazilian and Paraguay Olympics Committees, National Sports Confederations representatives and sport controllers from Brazilian universities and federations will attend the CBDU Forum which takes place in São Paulo from November 30th to December 03rd.

“The University League and the Forum will close our season, celebrate a year of success of our athletes and our administration in and outside the squares and gymnasiums in Brazil and abroad. And we will also discuss the projects and events for next year”, Luciano Cabral, CBDU President and FISU Vice-President said.