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Public and Private Universities of Costa Rica.

5 November 2009


Hand Ball and cross country unites the universities in the campus of Teconological Institute of Costa Rica.

Last saturday 31 October , the central sede of the Tecnological Instute of Costa Rica was the scenery of the I interuniversity festival of handball and crosscountry that gathered 100 athletes coming not only from the 4 public universities of this contry but also private universities that have sportive teams.

Meanwhile in the multipurpose courts of the institution it was being realized the handball games, in the cross country rout 10 km located in the peripheral area of the campus the mud didnt forgive the atletes clothes. The souts of the rest members of the delegations around the recorrido encourage the participants and make their way simplier.

In the opening ceremony the vice rector of students life, Ligia Rivas, talked about the significance of this activities is to be able to unite and improve the relacions between the participants and give them an space to enrich their life cuality.


At the end of the event the comunity of Cartago and the universities was united as one because of the sportive joy.