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Home News 2013 SU Update: FISU Vice-President Bergh Speaks at Russian Sports Forum

2013 SU Update: FISU Vice-President Bergh Speaks at Russian Sports Forum

27 October 2009


The Russian Sport Forum was held in Kazan from October 22nd to 24th, 2009. The event was organized for the first time and gathered more than 3,000 participants and the representation from the global sports movement was impressive. In attendance were several presidents from International Sports Federations, sports leaders on all levels from over all Russia and a high number of senior politicians, including the President of the Russian Federations, President Dmitri Medvedev.

FISU was represented by Vice-Presidents Stefan Bergh and Hassan Chikh, Assessor Oleg Matytsin and Secretary-General/CEO Eric Saintrond.

The opening ceremony was held on Friday October 23rd. In his opening speech President Medvedev expressed great satisfaction over the interest of the Forum. He also described the University Sports in Russia in a very positive way. He meant that high quality sport on the university level is a necessity to be able to be successful on the global sports scene. The recognition to the work being done by the Russian University Sport Federation was given a lot of attention.

Russian President Medvedev talks to the ISF Presidents (left FISU Vice-President Bergh)


Second speaker after president Medvedev was Stefan Bergh, FISU Vice-President. On behalf of FISU President George Killian, Stefan Bergh said that the signal sent from the Russian President on the position of University Sports in Russia, was very important. Mr Bergh also described how the Russian University Sports Federation has been – and still is – so important for FISU, both in terms of participation and by hosting major FISU events.

In his speech Mr Bergh expressed warm compliments to the extraordinary work being done by the city of Kazan. The bidding committee for the Summer Universiade 2013 did an excellent effort when they were successful in the decision that was taken by the FISU Executive Committee in May 2008. The fact that Kazan was given the responsibility to host this first Russian Forum was a recognition of the fact that Kazan is one of the most developed sports cities in Russia.




President Medvedev visits the Universiade promo booth