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Home News 2011 SU Update: CTI Inspection Visit – Continued

2011 SU Update: CTI Inspection Visit – Continued

23 October 2009


On October 22nd, 2009 FISU EC member and CTI Chair Mr. Stavros Douvis and FISU Sports Manager Michal Buchel continued their venue inspection visiting two volleyball venues, a football competition and training venue, the swimming facility and anumber of basketball venues.

During the afternoon session Mr. Douvis, Mr,. Buchel and the CT Chairs for Archery, Mr. Holgado and Sailing, Mr. Gaillot met with the OC sports department and venue department to discuss the venues, the competition program and the number of events.

In the evening, the Deputy Executive Director of the Organizing Committee invited all FISU delegates for the farewell diner.