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Home News Costa Rica Celebrates its University Games

Costa Rica Celebrates its University Games

31 August 2009


The torch being held by the host delegationOn


Friday August 29th, the 18th edition of the Costarican University Games (JUNCOS) 2009 was officially inaugurated. The Games will carry on until September 5th and are hosted in the University of Costa Rica (UCR).

The Opening Ceremony started with the parade of the nine invited delegations, starting with the Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica (ITCR) and followed by the other universities, both state an private. At the end of the row, appeared the host, University of Costa Rica (UCR) holding the torch that was given by the previous host Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED).

An athlete lights the flameDuring the ceremony the director of the National Council of University Rectors, Dr. Rodrigo Arias Camacho, expressed the relevance of the values that bring the sport practice in the comprehensive training of the human being. “Here we give the opportunity to integrate not only competitive values, which are very important and necessary for the human success, but we also integrate solidarity” explained Dr. Arias.

At the official event a tribute was paid to Dr. Rodrigo Pacheco, because of his long trajectory in Costarican sports and his contribution on the creation of the Physical Education Department in the University of Costa Rica. “I want to say that I am very exited because of what is happening today, I keep you all inside my heart”, said Dr. Pacheco after receiving the recognition.

Not only the sports shined, art was also present in the opening event. The artistic groups that are composed by regular students of the UCR, showed up with a dance presentation: salsa, hip hop, contemporary dance and gymnastic abilities was mixed to represent sports’ spirit of human being.

JUNCOS will be continued with the sportive competitions on the next week and will be finishing on September Saturday 5th with the closing ceremony.

More info on these Games can be found on




F.l.t.r.: the President of the Olympic Committee (Henry Nuñez), the Vice-Rector of students life of the ITCR (Ligia Rivas), the Rector of the UCR (msc Eugenio Trejos), Rosaura Mendez (ODUPA’S treasurer), Director of the Physical Education Department (Fern