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Home News CBDU University Games Open in Style

CBDU University Games Open in Style

17 August 2009

Brazilian student-athletes supporting the Rio 2016 Olympic Bid


On August 15th, the opening ceremony of the CBDU’s Olimpíadas Universitárias – JUB´s 2009 took place in the gymnasium Pablo Sarasate, in Fortaleza, Brasil.

Commanded by the sound and rhythm of the band ‘Banda do Pirata’ and by dancers from the group ‘Zé Techinha’, hundreds of athletes and the public present celebrated the beginning of the Olimpíadas Universitárias – JUB´s 2009 after parade of the 27 enrolled delegations in the competition.

In his speech the director of the Department of University Sports of the Ministry of the Sport, Apolinário Rebelo, representing the minister of Orlando Silva, stressed the importance of the investment in the university sport. ‘Working in schools and universities is the only way possible to speak in democratization of the access to the sport. Therefore it is necessary to have qualified professionals of physical education and investment in infrastructure of the universities is needed. Thus sport becomes an instrument of full accomplishment for the human being and also reaches its objective of competition’, Mr. Rebelo said.

‘This is a special year, when we celebrate 70 years of the CBDU, and the main responsible ones for this celebration are the federations, the Institutions of Superior Education and the athletes, the future of the country and the Brazilian sport. This party is yours’, Luciano Cabral, President of the Brazilian Confederation of University Sport (CBDU) and FISU Vice-President said.

The secretary of Sport of Ceará, Ferrucio Feitosa, representing governor Cid Gomes, officially opened JUB´s 2009.

The former-player of beach volleyball Robert Lopes lit the flame of the Olimpíadas Universitárias – JUB´s 2009 and the ceremony ended the athletes expressing their support for the candidacy for the Olympics Games in Rio 2016.

Some 3,000 athletes will compete in the Olimpíadas Universitárias – JUB´s 2009.

 Luciano Cabral, CBDU President and FISU Vice-President