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Home News 2009 SU Update: Athletes’ Village becomes Clothes Market

2009 SU Update: Athletes’ Village becomes Clothes Market

12 July 2009


How can you see that the Universiade is coming to an end? Well, stroll through the Athletes’ Village and go to the main square. You will find the athletes swapping their team uniforms with each other. This makes it difficult to talk to an athlete, because the guy wearing a shirt that says ‘Australia’, might as well be a Frenchie. Or the Swiss girl may actually be Canadian. Anyway, FISU Media gave it a try and asked a number of athletes what they think about the Universiade. Some impressions.

‘I thought the Games were fantastic, really well run. For me it was great as I won the gold medal in water polo. The Village has this really great atmosphere, the people are great, the volunteers are fantastic and the girls are too beautiful’, according to Jack from Down Under.

Cathérine from France: L’Universiade c’est formidable!‘I liked the Village, it was fun to be so close with all the other athletes from all over the world. It’s so easy to meet other people’, confided Gabriella from Canada.

‘The Games were really amazing, seeing all these athletes from all over the world is truly fantastic. I play basketball and our team had a tough time as the level was quite high. The Village is a world on its own. C’est formidable!’, said Catherine from France.





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