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Home News 2009 SU Update: FISU Conference – Days 3 & 4

2009 SU Update: FISU Conference – Days 3 & 4

5 July 2009

On July 4th, day three of the FISU Conference, Prof. Vladimir Ivanovic Stolyarov from the Russian State University of Sports and Tourism was promoting participation and engagement in sport of all students and not just the selected and talented ones.

Rob Koehler, Director Education and Program Development of WADA talked about Doping, behavior, society, sport and sustainable education. According to him, we must move from a ‘Me’-Generation over a ‘We’-Generation to a ‘We Play True’-Generation in order to convince young people that doping can be very harmful. Doping is not only dangerous, but it is also cheating and we cannot justify this.

The third speaker, Prof. Orban Guvenen from the Bilkent University and Director of the Institute of World Systems, Economics and Strategic Research, talked about World Dynamics, University Sports and Ethical Values. In an inspiring way, he caught the attention of the audience which resulted afterwards in a very interesting debate between the speaker and the audience.

Prof. Lea Azucena Cruz, Rector of the Universadad Pedagogica Nacional de Honduras explained the trends, changes and opportunities of sports in Central American and Caribbean Universities.

In the afternoon the participants of the Conference enjoyed the cultural tour organized by the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the Belgrade University.

Today, July 5th, the last day of the Conference started with the address of Prof. Adrian Gagea from Romania about the Advanced Science in High Performance Sport.

Prof. Mahdi Telebpour from Teheran, Iran, presented a study he carried out on 1,354 university students regarding their lifestyle.

After lunch, Miss Iris Olberding from Gemrany and Christoph Bocklin from Switzerland, both students who were selected at the FISU Forum in Krakov, Poland presented some proposals from the participants of the Forum.

Finally the conclusions of this four-day conference resulted in the Declaration of Belgrade 2009 about the role of University Sports in education and society, a platform for change. – Jan Boutmans