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Home News 2009 SU Update: Official Stamps of the Universiade

2009 SU Update: Official Stamps of the Universiade

3 July 2009


The Post Office in the Athletes’ Village is a big hit. Enter it at any particular moment during the day and you will find people in there buying the official postcards of the Universiade. However, the most important item for sale for stamp collectors is without doubt the official stamps of the 25th Universiade, issued especially for these Games.

Two different stamps were designed for the Belgrade Universiade, one with a value of 45 dinar and one with a 22 dinar-value. Both depict the sparrow mascot in the different sport uniforms of the sports on the Universiade program.

The stamps are available separately or in a sheet with 8 stamps and a non-value stamp with the logo and mascot of the Universiade.

Besides the two stamps, the Serbian post also published a Universiade special booklet collectors’ item with the two stamps, two postcards with stamp and cancellation and an envelope with both stamps and cancellation.

One collector already got his stamps: George E. Killian, the FISU President. It’s a well-known fact that Mr. Killian is an avid stamp collector specialized in basketball and University Sport. He recently visited the post office to buy this newest edition in the Universiade collection.





FISU President Killian adding some stamps to his vast collection

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