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Home News 2009 SU Update: 25th Universiade Kicks-off with Sci-Fi Opening Ceremony

2009 SU Update: 25th Universiade Kicks-off with Sci-Fi Opening Ceremony

1 July 2009


Today, July 1st, the 25th Summer Universiade kicked-off in Belgrade, Serbia with the Opening Ceremony in the Belgrade Arena, witnessed by the President of Serbia, Mr. Boris Tadic.

The event traditionally started with the parade of the participating delegations. However, since the protocol and cultural part were held inside the Belgrade Arena, a multi-functional indoor facility with a 10,000 seating capacity, the march-past of the athletes started from the Athletes’ Village all the way down the Arena passing the most important avenues of Belgrade.

Alongside the itinerary of the delegations promotional stands of all participating sports were placed where local athletes exhibited the Universiade sports.

At the end of the Universiade route, the participants passed the VIP tribune mounted in front of the Arena where all FISU VIPs were seated. Once they passed the tribune, the participants entered the arena, taking their seats while all flag bearers entered the pitch and protocol procedures started, i.e. the arrival of the host country’s flag and the FISU flag. FISU President Killian and Deputy PM Djelic, the President of the Belgrade OC addressed the participants.


Deputy PM Djelic, PM Cvetkovic, President Tadic & FISU President Killian


‘Welcome to Belgrade’, said Mr. Djelic. We thank FISU for the trust they had in us even in difficult times.’

‘This evening, the City of Belgrade, an ancient and historical city will play host, not only to the 26th Summer Universiade, but also to the 60th Anniversary of the founding of FISU, as well as the 50th Anniversary of our Universiades’ President Killian said. ‘I would like to extend a warm genuine welcome to each and every athlete, coach, and administrator who has journeyed here to Belgrade to participate in this great university sporting event. Each of you as a university student will have the opportunity to meet fellow students from all parts of the globe. Please take advantage of this opportunity. Start out by introducing yourself; shake hands with as many of your fellow participants as you can, share some of your university life, which in most cases will be quite different from your own’, Mr. Killian advised the student-athletes. ‘Above all, don’t leave Belgrade for home without making at least one new serious friend. I can assure you that the experiences learned at this Universiade will last you for a lifetime’, the FISU President added. ‘In addition, let me also thank and congratulate the President and his staff from the local organizing committee and all volunteers for the effort involved in making this Universiade become a reality. It has not been easy, but they have accomplished their mission. For this, I and the full membership of FISU are most grateful.’

Ending his speech, Mr. Killian invited the Prime Minister of Serbia Mr. Cvetkovic to officially declare the Universiade open. After his declaration the FISU flame was lit and the athlete’s and referee’ oaths were proclaimed. This ended the protocol part of the Opening Ceremony.

After the protocol part the cultural program could begin and it started with a big surprise, i.e. a good luck message from the astronauts of the International Space Station ISS in orbit around the earth. And this message set the tone of the cultural program that followed where science and art mingled.

Little Ana The participants witnessed a high-tech performance of cybernetic works created out of computer-electronic, organic and time and space systems, transformed into a dance performance. A beam of light coming out of the projector animated the stage, portals and the 700 m²-Arena floor and created illusion of movement. The audience witnessed the floor change from swimming pool to basketball court to football pitch to finally turn into a dance stage where the Universiade participants saw a choreography performed by some thirty local students blended with the fusion of traditional sound, ethno-musical motives and modern vibrations while a stream of consciousness of thoughts lead the spectators through the spectacle of light, dance and computer art.

 All this sci-fi science turned in real emotion when little Anna entered the pitch cheering ‘hello’ while the person guiding her , nobody less than Nemenja Vidic, a player of Serbia’s national football team and Manchester United, told the 10,000 people attending the ceremony that modern science saved little Ana’s life not so long ago encouraging everyone to strive for the best and never to settle in defeat.

The Games are on!






PM Cvetkovic opens the Universiade




Greetings from ISS


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