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Home News 2009 SU Update: Commonwealth Convention

2009 SU Update: Commonwealth Convention

25 June 2009

The three delegations together


Today, June 25th, the first Flag Raising Ceremony took place in the Athletes’ Village. A tradition to welcome each delegation and confirm its settlement into the Village, which for a fortnight will be their home. By coincidence the inaugural ceremony was in honor of three Commonwealth countries, i.e. Australia, Canada and Great Britain.

Host of the Flag Raising Ceremony Valentina Boskovic expressed her delight of the fact that Belgrade is this year’s host of the world biggest sports event ever to be held in Serbia and that it will entertain athletes from more than 100 countries.

Village Mayor Ranko Tepavcevic with athletes from the three delegations‘The most important thing for the Organizing Committee of the Belgrade Universiade is to make our guests’ stay in Serbia as memorable as possible’, Mayor of the Universiade Village Ranko Tepavcevic said to the three delegations.

After the flags of the three countries were raised and the anthem of the Universiade was played, the Village Mayor and an athlete of each delegation exchanged souvenir gifts as it is a custom.





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