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Home News FISU Festival Update

FISU Festival Update

9 March 2016




BERNE – The Swiss University Sports Directors met to the annual spring conference in the Swiss capital Berne. Pauline Hamonic, FISU Project Coordinator for the FISU Festival, was invited to present the format of the Festival to be held on 24 September 2016 in La


At the first edition in 2014, the University Sport Department of Lausanne University and EPFL were mainly involved in the organisation of the sports activities, supported by the University sports services of Geneva, Zurich and St. Gallen.

This year, all the Swiss University Sports departments and the Swiss University Sport Federation as a partner are ready to contribute to the success of this event, recruiting teachers and trainers for the different activities.


(Source: Leonz Eder, FISU 1st VP)